iPad gaming: Delta emulator is coming – and Fortnite in the EU

Gaming news for the Apple tablet: The makers of the Delta emulator want to get onto the iPad, Epic Games brings Fortnite after EU regulation.

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iPad mit Fortnite- und Delta-Screenshots​

iPad with Fortnite and Delta screenshots.

(Bild: anlomaja/Shutterstock.com)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Anyone who enjoys playing games on their iPad can look forward to two interesting pieces of news just before the holidays. Both concern the availability of software on the Apple tablet.

Developer Riley Testut, operator of the Altstore and creator behind the Gameboy emulator GBA4iOS, has announced an iPadOS version of his emulator package Delta. In a post on the meta short message service Threads, Testut showed the first screenshots and details. The iOS version was initially prioritized in order to be able to start with the legacy store, which was initially only available for the iPhone. However, Apple now also allows emulators under iPadOS, which will mean that the next major Delta update 1.6 will also be available for the tablet.

It is still unclear how Testut will organize distribution. In the EU, Delta is not available in the regular App Store, but only via the Altstore, for which a Patreon fee is payable. In this way, Testut avoids the risk of being bankrupted by Apple's Core Technology Fee. In the USA, however, Delta is available in the App Store. As the EU now also wants to regulate iPadOS, a similar strategy could also be implemented on the tablet.

Epic Games, which is known to have been in a legal dispute with Apple over its App Store rules for some time and is one of the biggest supporters of the EU's intervention, has meanwhile announced that it now wants to bring its hit game Fortnite to the iPad. This is a direct consequence of the regulation of the tablet announced by the EU Commission as part of the DMA.

According to the Epic Games newsroom on X, the company is working "full steam ahead" on Fortnite and the Epic Games Store for the iPad. This is expected to be released this year. The company recently announced the rates for developers. These are surprisingly close to what Apple wants to see as part of its EU terms and conditions.

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